Weaning Kittens Diarrhea

Items like bones fabrics or kitty litter can create intestinal blockages if swallowed.
Weaning kittens diarrhea. But sometimes diarrhea is an indication of a more serious underlying problem and your kitten is depending on you to help it. While a poor diet is one of the most common reasons kittens suffer from diarrhea there are other possible causes as well. Dip your fingertip or the syringe or bottle the kitten is used to nursing from into the liquid let the kitten lick it then guide him by moving your finger down into the bowl. Kittens just like other pets can develop gastrointestinal upset from time to time which may result in loose stools.
These parasites may be passed from queen mom cat to kittens via eggs transferred through the mother s milk says dr. Do not use cow s milk as this will cause stomach upset and diarrhea in some kittens. Nursing kittens have the potential to get internal parasites which can in turn lead to diarrhea. For most kittens this process is usually completed when they reach eight to ten weeks old.
Once a kitten has opened its eyes is able to focus and can walk steadily you can begin the process. However straining to poop can also be a sign though it might be misinterpreted as constipation. Generally orphaned or hand fed kittens can begin weaning slightly earlier at about three weeks of age but otherwise the process is essentially the same. Determine when to wean your kitten.
Always deworm a kitten with diarrhea. If her weight drops or steadies you ll need to supplement with a bottle try a different method of eating or scale back to kitten formula. Once the kitten is confidently eating on her own you can cease supplemental feeding it s time to switch completely to solid foods. Pyrantel given at two and four weeks of age usually prevents roundworm and hookworm issues.
Premature weaning onto wet food may also cause diarrhea as the body may not be ready to absorb the new proteins and complex nutrients found in meat. Be sure you re feeding a high. Frequent urgent pooping of loose watery stools are the classic signs that your cat has diarrhea. After weaning give fenbendazole for three days to control giardia and remove any resistant round and hookworms that were missed.
Weigh the kitten throughout the weaning process. Other causes of kitten diarrhea. Begin by offering milk replacer in a dish teaching the kitten how to lap from the dish. Fully wean and introduce water.
Kittens can develop diarrhea when there is a change in diet so if you ve recently started the kitten on a new formula that may be the issue. The weaning process begins when kittens are around four weeks old. During weaning kittens gradually progress from dependence on a mother s care to social independence.