Gum Tree Spiky Balls

Sweet gum trees produce these prickly little balls sweet gum fruit.
Gum tree spiky balls. Just like leaves they must fall so the tree can prep for new growth. Sycamore trees platanus spp have round 1 1 2 inch diameter spiky looking balls but the spikes aren t fierce and sharp. The spiky clusters are actually balls of fruit with tiny seeds inside that birds and squirrels snack on. By mid fall the balls are dead and seedless.
It produces spiny brown balls of fruit that drop off the tree over an extended period. They dangle from branches on long stems. Although they may look like prickly little seeds sweet gum tree balls are actually the fruit of the. This means that only one tree is needed for the flowers to be pollinated and a single tree can produce the spiky fruits even when another sweet gum tree is not in sight.
Spiky ball pumpkin sweet gumprimitive antiquesfront door decorhappy fallpine conesdoor wreathsburlap wreathoutdoor gardenssomething to do growing in my yard is a sweet gum tree. Fall color is variable but can be quite dramatic with a combination of yellows reds and purples. Trees with spiky balls seed pods. Sweet gum sweet gum has glossy green leaves with five lobes similar to a sugar maple.
Are sweet gum tree balls harmful to a dog s feet. The only difference is sweetgum balls drop all fall and winter. As a monoecious plant a sweet gum bears male and female flowers. The fragrant leaves are green in the summer and brilliant.
Sweet gum trees are excellent shade trees. Sweet gum trees are considered a pioneer species because they are often the first trees to repopulate an area. At first green and somewhat fuzzy looking they dry into brown bristly balls. The round fruit balls are produced from fertilized flowers.