Cat Meowing For Food But Not Eating

The disease process overrides the hunger and often the cat is nauseated or in pain.
Cat meowing for food but not eating. Try heating up cold wet cat food or tuna for a few seconds in the microwave. Cat anorexia can cause the animal to develop other issues. Go for canned wet food that s packed with nutrients and calories for him to get going without him eating too much. When this happens your cat may experience abdominal pain or cramping that puts him off his food.
If your cat is still not eating you may need to try to make it eat. Thankfully regurgitation is easy to stop by slowing your cat down while it eats. Some cats vomit on a regular basis after eating and their food is still intact or whole. If your cat seems to have trouble eating then it may be time to transition from dry food to wet ones.
You can make your cat eat by putting food in its mouth and making it swallow. There is a reason your cat wants food but will not actually ingest it. The cat that expresses interest in food but won t eat it is a hungry cat. This act of vomiting whole food soon after eating is called regurgitation and it usually occurs because the cat ate too quickly.
Lip smacking or repeated lip licking in the presence of food is also a sign of nausea. This breaks up the nasal discharge and helps your cat breathe easily so it can once again smell its food. Keep your cat s dishes and bowls clean this is especially important if your cat eats canned or raw food because germs can start growing in scraps of leftover food and cause illness. Severe weight loss puts a lot of strain on a cat s liver and can lead to other issues.
Sometimes cats swallow things they shouldn t and those things can cause an intestinal blockage or obstruction.